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09 April 2024

Od gdč. koffi Aya.

Od gdč. koffi Aya.

Oprostite mi za ta nenaden stik z vami danes, ker verjamem, da vas bo to sporočilo morda presenetilo, vaš e-poštni naslov sem dobil prek spletnega e-poštnega imenika, res ne vem, kako boste našli moje stike s seboj.

To sporočilo ti pišem s solzami in žalostjo in vem, da te bo to sporočilo lahko presenetilo, Sem edina hči. Moj oče je bil zelo bogat trgovec s kakavom v Abidžanu na Slonokoščeni obali (Slonokoščena obala). Mojega očeta so do smrti zastrupili njegovi poslovni partnerji na enem od njihovih izletov na službenem potovanju.

Moja mama je umrla, ko sem bil še dojenček, in od takrat me je oče obravnaval tako posebno. Pred smrtjo mojega očeta v zasebni bolnišnici tukaj v Abidžanu me je na skrivaj poklical na svojo posteljo in mi povedal, da ima znesek (7.500.000,00) sedem milijonov petsto tisoč ameriških dolarjev v eni od mednarodnih bank tukaj v Abidžanu. , je uporabil moje ime kot svoje edine hčerke za naslednjega sorodnika pri deponiranju sklada. Moj pokojni oče mi je naročil, naj poiščem tujega partnerja v državi po lastni izbiri, kamor bom nakazal ta denar in ga uporabil za naložbene namene, kot je upravljanje nepremičnin ali hotelov.

Prosim, naj vas moj predlog ne preseneti, k vam me je napotil Bog. Že pred dvema tednoma sem v sobi za goste in iščem nekoga, ki bi mu sploh lahko zaupal, preden sem videl tvoj profil na internetu..

Moj stric je odvisnik od mamil in ni mu bilo mar zame. Leta 2022 je moj stric prodal vse nepremičnine mojega pokojnega očeta, zdaj pa je ugotovil, da je moj pokojni oče ta sklad položil v banko z mojim imenom kot njegovim najbližjim sorodnikom in zahteva naj mu sledim do banke, da bo lahko imel dostop do sklada mojega pokojnega očeta, česar pa ne morem storiti nikoli v življenju, ker je ta sklad edina stvar, ki jo imam za vzpostavitev moje prihodnosti.

Vsi moji nameni zdaj so ta sredstva prenesti iz svoje države za naložbe, tukaj imam resne težave. To e-pošto pišem iz sobe za goste, kjer se trenutno skrivam zaradi svoje varnosti.

Vse, kar potrebujem od vas, je, da mi pomagate pri vlogi skrbnika in tujega sodelavca mojega pokojnega očeta, tako da bo banka lahko sprostila sredstva na vaš bančni račun v vaši državi za naložbo.

Častno vas prosim za pomoč na naslednje načine: (1) da zagotovite bančni račun, na katerega bi bil ta denar nakazan na . (2) da služite kot moj skrbnik. (3) da uredite, da pridem k vašemu državo za nadaljnje izobraževanje.

Imam vse podatke o računu, ki ga je moj pokojni oče uporabil za polog sredstev tukaj v sobi za goste, in mrliški list mojega pokojnega očeta.

Opomba: Pripravljen sem vam ponuditi 20 % celotne vsote kot nadomestilo za vaš trud/prispevek po uspešnem prenosu tega sklada na vaš imenovani bančni račun. Pričakujem, da se boste kmalu slišali.

Lep pozdrav,
Koffi Aya

13 November 2019

New vacancies in our company

Good day!

We considered your resume to be very attractive and we thought the vacant position in our company could be interesting for you.

Our company specializes in online investment services.
We cooperate with different countries and currently we have many clients in yours region.
Due to this fact, we need to increase the number of our destination representatives' regular staff.

Part-time and full-time employment are both currently important.
We offer a flat wage from $3500 up to $7000 per month.

If you are interested in our offer, please visit our web page.

Attention! Accept applications only on this and next week.

Respectively submitted
Personnel department

20 Oktober 2019

Security Alert. Your accounts was hacked by criminal group.

Hi, dear user of blogger.com

We have installed one RAT software into you device
For this moment your email account is hacked too.
I know your password. I logged in to your account and wrote this letter to you from there.

Changed your password? You're doing great!
But my software recognizes every such action. I'm updating passwords!
I'm always one step ahead....

So... I have downloaded all confidential information from your system and I got some more evidence.
The most interesting moment that I have discovered are videos records where you masturbating.

I posted EternalBlue Exploit modification on porn site, and then you installed my malicious code (trojan) on your operation system.
When you clicked the button Play on porn video, at that moment my trojan was downloaded to your device.
After installation, your front camera shoots video every time you masturbate, in addition, the software is synchronized with the video you choose.

For the moment, the software has harvrested all your contact information from social networks and email addresses.
If you need to erase all of your collected data and videos, send me $749 in BTC (crypto currency).

This is my Bitcoin wallet: 158r99HsERpiBqWg3w2FCPHbUfkXG8Zxsd
You have 48 hours after reading this letter.

After your transaction I will erase all your data.
Otherwise, I will send a video with your sweepstakes to all your colleagues, friends and relatives!!!

P.S. I ask you not to reply to this email, this is impossible (the sender's address is your own address).

And henceforth be more careful!
Please visit only secure sites!

04 Februari 2018


Dear fajarc3.cobermat, my name is Anastasia and i'm from Russia. Five years ago I moved to the USA and I love it here. Came across your photos on Badoo and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-) If you would like to know me more, this is my email laurae1heike@rambler.ru write to me and I will send some of my photos. xXx, Anastasia

02 Februari 2018


Dear fajarc3.cobermat, my name is Sveta and i'm from Russia. Five years ago I moved to the USA and I love it here. Came across your photos on Badoo and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-) If you would like to know me more, this is my email janacp5c@rambler.ru write to me and I will send some of my photos. xXx, Sveta

01 Februari 2018


Dear fajarc3.cobermat, my name is Darya and i'm from Russia. Five years ago I moved to the USA and I love it here. Came across your photos on Badoo and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-) If you would like to know me more, this is my email jana7mhil@rambler.ru write to me and I will send some of my photos. xXx, Darya


Dear fajarc3.cobermat, my name is Lera and i'm from Russia. Five years ago I moved to the USA and I love it here. Came across your photos on Badoo and remembered you because you seem a type of guy I want :-) You are hot, smart and sexy :-) If you would like to know me more, this is my email ellaxs6maria@rambler.ru write to me and I will send some of my photos. xXx, Lera

30 Januari 2018

hi there

Hi fajarc3.cobermat, the hottest man in the world! My name is Anastasiya and i'm from Russia, but currently I live in the USA. I just wanted to let you know that I liked you from your photos and would like to know more about you. Let me know if you would like to get in touch, here is my email orethaxfchogan@o2.pl. Cheers, Anastasiya

29 Januari 2018


Hi fajarc3.cobermat, my name is Liza and i'm from Russia, but living in the USA. A week ago, maybe more, I came across your profile on Facebook and now I wan to know you more. I know it sounds a bit strange, but I believe you had something like this in your life too :-) If its mutual, email me, this is my email monikailseenq5@rambler.ru and I will send some of my photos also answer any of your questions. Waiting for you, XXX Liza

18 Januari 2018


You seem like my type and I would like to know you more! Write me if you are interested, here is my email viktoriesusyfc@rambler.ru and, if you want, I will send some of my photos. Hugs, Anna

17 Januari 2018


You seem like my type and I would like to know you more! Write me if you are interested, here is my email annawgmaria@rambler.ru and, if you want, I will send some of my photos. Hugs, Alexandra

22 November 2017


Dear fajarc3.cobermat,
Finally I have got a change to write to you.
My name is Valeria, i'm from Russia and now i'm living in USA :-)
I saw you first time on Facebook or Instagram, I don't remember, but today seeing you again made me write to you:)
You look so sexy and at the same time very cute and smart, just like my type.
Maybe we can talk? If you would like to know more about me, please, email me.
My email is evarkvjel@rambler.ru

21 November 2017


hi there! i'm Natalia :-)
How are you? You want me to send you some photos?
Meail me at danielacwni@rambler.ru

Kisses, Natalia


hello there fajarc3.cobermat! How are you cutie?
My name is Oksana and i am from Russia.
Soon i'm going to US to study and i'm trying to find some good person like you.
I found your profile on popular dating site and now i want to talk to you :-)
If you are interested in my photos please email me to annacc1karin@rambler.ru

Regards, Oksana

20 November 2017


Hi fajarc3.cobermat, my name Yulia and i'm from Russia.
Now i'm living in the US.
A week ago I found your profile on Badoo or something like that :-)
I dont remember to be honest :-)
You are super cute!
Maybe we can chat? You want my photos?
Please email me to luciewrrruth@rambler.ru

XoXoXo, Yulia

08 November 2017


Hello, dear!
I am missing you all the time. I want you to write me as soon as you can. Hug you.
My email lauramarionwf@rambler.ru

01 November 2017


Hello again - you give me all this time did not write, you are fed up with me to communicate - or just email for a long time?
Write to me! I'd be happy to talk to you, your Yulia from Russia! My email julieedithvbi@rambler.ru

31 Oktober 2017

i'm online

Hello my dear - I've had a web camera with good quality - write me - and I'll do what you want for you, long time not seen you in a web camera.
My email sabinadgfulrike@rambler.ru


We were talking on the forum, remember me? I am Maria from Russia! My email dominikaeptuhil@rambler.ru

29 Oktober 2017


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email nelamonikarrfw@rambler.ru let's talk, I'm waiting!


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email vanesaerikan1yc@rambler.ru let's talk, I'm waiting!


Hello dear, do you remember how we communicated with you?

Long ago you could not see, I am Marina - with Russia, do you remember me?

My email elenaqpqa@rambler.ru let's talk, I'm waiting!

28 Oktober 2017

good evening

When you stopped a taxi for me, it was very nice, do not want to see me again?

Marina. My email sofieovrenate@rambler.ru


Hello my dear - I've had a web camera with good quality.
I'll do what you want for you, long time not seen you in a web camera.

My email emayzanja@rambler.ru

19 Oktober 2017

Seriously... What if this company went tenfold by tomorrow?

Everyone knows me as a no bullshit analyst and I always give it to my friends just the way it is, whether it's good or bad.

Today though I've only got goodness to share with you because I've come across something so rare it only happens once or twice a year.

I found a stock that's going to jump tenfold by tomorrow due to negotiations for an acquisition that values it at much higher than where it is now.

The information I have is a hundred percent reliable and if you miss out, I guarantee you'll be regretting the decision in a few hours when this thing is up to 8 or 9 cents.

The symbol is qsmg this is all you need to grab it.

If you do miss out, it's ok... I will probably have another one to tell you about in a few months but at the very least you should watch this one closely.

Have a good one.

Best Regards,

Sheryl Campbell

11 Oktober 2017


Hello sun - you forgot about me already?
I want to be with you again, write me or call, come with me.
My email eva8zgisela@rambler.ru

10 Oktober 2017


Hello my dear - I've had a web camera with good quality - write me - and I'll do what you want for you, long time not seen you in a web camera. My email elen3njmar@rambler.ru

very sad

Why not send me letters? I am very sad one in Russia, write to me necessarily, it is waiting for your Stella. My email emma6xkarin@rambler.ru

08 Oktober 2017

Good day

Can I ask you? "Was you ever have sex with a Russian girl? Would you like to try it?"
my email laurazz8renate@rambler.ru

Good day

Good day, I accidentally found a letter from you, I remember how we communicated with you.
My email gabrielasun3@rambler.ru